Hearing Truths

It is important for your own well-being and the successful development of your child that you hear these truths before you read through my posts. It is not my intention to make you feel inferior as a parent. That is the opposite of what my site is here for! My mission is to empower you, so that you see your child thrive.

The Mission: To empower you, so that you see your child thrive.

Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash

Setting a Few Things Straight

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ (but it misses out a trillion).

The photographs of my family on this website are a snap shot of time – remember that. My family looks great in these photos because we are great! We are as great as your family is. It’s not sunshine and roses here all of the time (despite what the photos might communicate). Our children are children and behave like children. My husband and I are human, we parent in the best possible way we can but in our weaknesses we don’t always follow our own good advice.

The words I write on my posts are ‘best practice.’ The learning and behaviour strategies I offer do work, but I have to be honest, I don’t always follow them myself. Some days I’m tired, stressed and overwhelmed. On those days I loose my temper, or can’t be bothered. That’s okay. I’m allowed to be human just as much as my kids are allowed to be kids.

I’m allowed to be human.

What I write is best practice. It’s what we can work towards and aspire for our kids. But if we’re having an off day, let’s give ourselves grace. Let’s rest and try again tomorrow. Let’s love ourselves so that we can love our kids.

Let’s love ourselves so that we can love our kids.

10 Truths

1 – I am not a perfect parent or teacher (there I said it).

2 – You are not a perfect parent (ha – you’re in this with me).

3 – Seeking perfectionism in parenting is dangerous and harmful – stay away! (Phew, we’re off the hook.)

4 – Haters Wanna Hate

5 – Parenting is a journey of growth (learn, make mistakes and learn some more). 

6 – ‘Every day is a school day’ should be a motto for your whole family. 

7 – Your child learns by watching you – be the best you; you can be! 

8 – You are your child’s primary educator – fact, fact, fact.

9 – School is great but, you’re Mrs or Mr Fix It

10 – You must be present and engaged in order to see your child thrive – fact.

I’m Not a Perfect Parent or Teacher

One hundred and ten percent true! The information that I present on this website is the best of me. I have learnt so much from my time as an educator that it just felt selfish not to share it. I am a teacher after all, it’s in me to teach! There is so much knowledge out there that can improve the outcomes of our most precious children. What I have done through this website is present the knowledge I have in a helpful and inspirational way. 

I raise my hands high and admit that I have had (and will have) many failings as a parent and teacher. Please do not read through my website with a belief that things are perfect in my little world. They are not and that’s okay. I am an imperfect yet engaged parent and teacher who cares deeply about the outcomes of my children and yours. 

I am an imperfect yet engaged parent and teacher who cares deeply about the outcomes of my children and yours.

You Aren’t a Perfect Parent

You will always make mistakes in all walks of life including being a parent – fact. Be kind to yourself. There is no judgement here. As you read through the pages on my website receive my thoughts, ideas and knowledge with a soft heart. Take what works for you and leave the rest. 

Photo by Jonathan Hoxmark on Unsplash

Seeking Perfectionism in Parenting is Dangerous and Harmful

“Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimise or avoid the pain of blame, judgement and shame. It’s a shield…Perfectionism is, at it’s core, about trying to earn approval and acceptance… Perfectionism – is other focused – what will they think?”

Daring Greatly, Brene Brown

Perfectionism doesn’t allow you to be present with your child. See your child for who they are and parent in a way that they need you to parent. Don’t parent for the sake of others around you. Be you for your child. 

Haters Wanna Hate

Drown out those voices! It seems like parenting is one big judgemental jungle. Right from pregnancy people everywhere seem to have something to say. 

“You shouldn’t be eating that.” “They should be more wrapped up.” “Oh, you’re not bottle feeding are you?” “Urgh, I can’t stand seeing people breastfeed in public.” “You shouldn’t be giving them strawberries, what if they’re allergic?” “They’re still not sleeping through the night? Mine has been for 4 months.” “You’re not paying for private tutoring, are you?” “I can’t believe you let your child use a sharp knife, I’d never do that.” “Private school, what a waste of money.” “I’d never put my kids in hand-me-downs.” 

We’ve all had it and we’ve all delt it. In our own insecurities we begin to judge the decisions of others. It kind of makes us feel ‘better’ for the choices we have made or are making. But this doesn’t need to be the way. 

Your Tribe

Find your tribe. Make your own decisions based on what is best for you and your family. Then find the people around you who build you up and encourage you to hit your parenting goals. Don’t let the hurtful, judgemental comments of another affect how you parent your child. You do you and let them do them. 

I’ve had to do an awful lot of drowning out recently. It has required incredible self-control but it has given me so much freedom. I know how I want to raise my kids. I know what’s best for our family and I’m going to do everything I can to seek our best. How are you going to seek the best for your family?

Make a decision as to whether or not Your Talking Teacher is going to be a part of your tribe. If is it, wonderful! Welcome! Subscribe, follow, like, comment. If it isn’t, don’t hate, just keep looking for your tribe.

How are you going to seek the best for your family?

Parenting is a Journey of Growth 

We all know this, but it can be hard to accept at times. If you’re anything like me, you just want to be the best you can be now yesterday! You know this truth so just let it sink in for a second. Parenting is a journey of growth and this website can be a part of that growth. Growth is good!

Everyday is a School Day

If this is the culture of your family your child will thrive! Having an attitude that is willing to learn, admit mistakes and push oneself forwards will be beneficial for the whole family.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Your Child Learns by Watching You

Yup, this truth is a killer! If you preach self-control to your kids but loose your temper all of the time, your words are falling on deaf ears my friend.

I talk about this a lot in my posts, especially the ones focusing on social and emotional well-being. Parenting certainly is a journey of character growth (don’t I know it!!!)

Remember to be kind to yourself. Be the best version of you that you can be! Your child will see this and will want to mimic it for themselves.

Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash

You are Your Child’s Primary Educator

Your child will learn so much more from you than they will from any teacher. You set the tone, culture and expectations for your family.  

If you have an attitude that loves to learn, it’s likely that your child will love learning too. If you love to read, your child will most likely love reading. If you are kind to yourself, your child is more likely to be kind to themselves. And so the list goes on…

School is Great, but You’re Mrs or Mr Fix It. 

Too many times I’ve heard parents use phrases like, ‘Oh, school will sort it out.’

No, no, no! Just no. You are Mrs or Mr Fix it for your child. Be the one who sorts out the stuff. School is great, but don’t let school do the job of a parent! Be you and let school be school.

Photo by Barn Images on Unsplash

You Must be Present and Engaged

In order to see your child thrive you must be present and engaged in their development and education.

Be the parent who wants to know.

Be the one who asks the questions.

Be interested in school life.

Be the coach and the cheerleader.

Be your child’s advocate!

In my experience as a teacher, the parents who advocate most for their children are the ones who get the best for their kids. That’s just a fact. Be that parent.

The parents who advocate most for their children are the ones who get the best for their kids.